Virtual Locations for Virtual Opportunities in the Sharing Portal
It's now possible to create Volunteer Opportunities and Individual Occurrences that are considered "Virtual". This means that the opportunities don't take require volunteers to go to a physical address, but instead they are able to volunteer and participate from home, remotely, or online. Here's how to designate an opportunity, or individual occurrences of a date and time specific opportunity as Virtual Opportunities.
This is an optional feature that may or may not be available in your version of the sharing portal. If its not available, please contact your system administrator to discuss making it available to you.
Virtual Opportunities are defined by creating a Virtual Location
When Creating a Virtual Opportunity, you will choose, or create a location, that will be designated as a "Virtual" location. To create a new virtual location, click on "Add a Location" when choosing the location for a new Volunteer Opportunity.

When you arrive at the Create Location Screen, you will see a new field "Location Type". By default it will be set to "Address" - which is the normal type of address used for most volunteer opportunities.
If this is a Virtual Opportunity choose Location Type = Virtual.
When do you so, the Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code will no longer be required. Leave them blank.
Put any info about how to participate (online URLs, etc) in the Special Directions field.

Opportunities taking place at Virtual Locations will be identified as such on the public site, and volunteers can filter search to find Opportunities with Virtual Locations, which will always be automatically have the term (Virtual) in the Where column of search results.

Editing existing locations to make them virtual
Click on the Locations item in the left menu if its available in your sharing portal

Select an existing location and click on 'edit'.
Change the 'location type' field from address to 'virtual'. Add Special Directions related to the Virtual Opportunity

Creating a new location for an existing Volunteer Opportunity that had no location
If you previously created a Virtual volunteer Opportunity that was Individually Scheduled - Express Interest Only and didn't give it a location, you might now want it to appear in search as a Virtual Opportunity. To do this:
1) Create a New Location (go to Location Menu on left, and click on "Create Location"
2).Create your new location, with Location Name, Location Type = Virtual, and Special Directions.
3). Save that location.

4. Go to the Volunteer Opportunity record you wish to now associate your virtual location with.
5, Go to the Occurrence table and select edit for the Occurrence Record. (This is where the location gets populated)

6. In the Location Field, search for your virtual location and populate it in the location field. Save the edited occurrence.