Volunteer Opportunity Detail Page
The Volunteer Opportunity Detail Page is where you'll manage your existing volunteer opportunities and their volunteers (connections). It is made up of separate sections. Here's the overview of the different sections on the page:
Volunteer Opportunity Summary
At the top of the Volunteer Opportunity Detail page are three action buttons:
Edit: use this button if you wish to change the default values for the volunteer opportunity, its name or description.
View Volunteer Opportunity on Public Site: This button will take you to the public site where you'll see how the volunteer opportunity appears.
Back to List: takes you back to the volunteer opportunity search page.
(For Individually Scheduled Opportunities / Express Interest with Schedule, an additional button appears, see below)

What do you edit in the volunteer opportunity? What do you edit in the occurrence?
The following fields are controlled by the Volunteer Opportunity record itself, so if you wish to change this for the opportunity click on 'Edit" and update:
- Opportunity Name
- Description
- Image (if used)
- Primary Impact Area
- Population Served
- Age Groups Served
- Minimum Age
- Suitable for Groups
- RSVP/Seniors
- Type (if available)
- Min Required Level of Verification (if using verified volunteers)
The rest of the fields in the Volunteer Opportunity are just default values used when creating new occurrences.
To update the following fields - edit the occurrence instead of the Volunteer Opportunity. (updating the volunteer opportunity will not change what appears on the public site, because these are determined by the occurrence (and can be different for each occurrence associated with the opportunity.
- Dates and Times of the Occurrence
- Maximum Attendance for the occurrence
- Opportunity Coordinator for the occurrence
- Location of the occurrence.
You cannot edit the Schedule Type and Registration Type of an opportunity after its been created. If you realize you've created an opportunity of the wrong type, create a new opportunity (with the same name, but the correct schedule type and registration type) and unpublish the other version of the opportunity by setting its occurrence end date(s) to a past date. (See this article for more information on how to 'un-publish occurrences)
Connection Grid
The Connections Grid gives you access to all the volunteers who have signed up or expressed interest in the volunteer opportunity. For details on using the connection grid, see this article.

Occurrence Grid
The Occurrence grid gives you access to the multiple occurrences (dates & time / locations) for date and time specific opportunities, or the single occurrence that is created for Individually Scheduled Opportunities. For details on working with the occurrence grid and how to add new occurrences for date and time specific opportunities, see this article
Note: Depending on how your organization has configured the sharing portal, there may be more or less fields and sections visible in the opportunity details page. The illustration above is the standard configuration.
An additional Button is available for Individually Scheduled - Express Interest with Schedule Opportunities
There is an additional button at the top of the Volunteer Opportunity Detail page if the opportunity is Schedule Type "Individually Scheduled" and Registration type "Express Interest with Schedule"
The button is called "View Scheduler" and this allows you to edit the schedule you created when you first created a volunteer opportunity of this type.